Reverential mood towards Spiritual Master

Speaker: Amoghalila dasa
Source: Tamal Krishna Goswami’s and Jagannatha dasa Babaji’s Disappearance Day

I am thinking of one or two incidents I can mention, and some realizations I had from them. One was the last morning Srila Prabhupada was in Bombay, in Juhu. I was fortunate-actually by Giriraj Maharaja’s mercy-to be able to be in Srila Prabhupada’s room then. After about a month in Bombay, Srila Prabhupada was leaving that morning for Vrindavan. Madhava Prabhu and Upendra Prabhu were also there, though Upendra was in and out of the room.
Srila Prabhupada was just lying on his bed. He could hardly move.

2019-03-28T17:35:44+00:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Ideal disciple, Tamal Krishna Goswami|Tags: |

Disappearance of Jayananda prabhu

Speaker: Tamal Krishna Goswami
Source: TKG’s Diary: Prabhupada’s Final Days

3rd May 1977:
jayanandaprabhuToday we received word that Jayananda Prabhu had given up his body. When Srila Prabhupada was informed he said, “Yes, sooner or later we must all go.” Afterwards, tears came to His Divine Grace’s eyes. “He was one of my very best dis­ciples. He was the first to give me five thou­sand dollars, which was used for printing Teach­ings of Lord Caitanya. He used to drive me in the car, and while driving he would be chanting.

Disciple should simply follow

Source: Yamuna Devi: A Life of Unalloyed Devotion

SrimatiYamunaDeviDasiwithprabhupadaMalati devi had been commissioned by Hansadutta das to arrange for large Deities for the Hamburg temple and had found a five-foot pair of Radha-Krishna Deities in Jaipur. After returning to Bombay and telling Srila Prabhupada about Them, he immediately wanted Them for Vrindavan, even though Yamuna had been painstakingly working on plans for the Deities who were eventually installed. She later used it to illustrate that the duty of the disciple is to follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master—

2015-05-25T00:12:31+00:00March 23rd, 2015|Categories: Ideal disciple, Pastimes of Srila Prabhupada, Yamuna devi|